A Pentecost Sequence
Reflecting on Acts 2: 1-11
O Spirit,
We do not know how to pray as we should.
We pray, night after night,
Begging you to rouse your power
And save.
Save Ukraine.
Save all refugees.
Save all who are caught fighting
In wars against their wills.
Save us from ourselves.
Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
Summer is near, with its heat and its drought.
Send us good summer.
Let us revel in your flowers
And your delicious summer fruits.
Let long, starry nights find home in us.
You, of Comforters the best,
Give fire to those in need of a renewed love for you,
And refreshing coolness to those
Whose resentments are destroying them.
You, Spirit, are our hearts’ most welcome Guest.
Heal, oh Spirit, touch and heal
The widows and orphans of this war.
Restore and rebuild the wasted places.
And change us, from the inside out.
So that war shall end this day
And forevermore.
How did your Pentecost Novena these past days build peace and hope in your heart?
Kathy McGovern ©2022