Pentecost – Cycle B
Hey, Holy Spirit, come over here.
You created this world, and all we hold dear.
We live in deep gratitude, but just now and then.
Come, Holy Spirit, renew us again.
First, give us new eyes to see how our sin
Has helped lay the groundwork for evil to win.
We gasp at a distance at terrible things
But won’t own the deeds our own apathy brings.
The suffering in Syria, the graves in Iraq,
And so many martyrs, we try not to keep track.
Come, Holy Spirit, breathe peace to the world.
And please, Holy Spirit, #BringBackOurGirls.
We weep for the suffering lives in Nepal.
Oh hover there, Spirit, and comfort them all.
And for plane wrecks, and train wrecks, and violent deaths,
Oh Spirit, draw near with Your soul-stirring Breath.
Pour into us, Spirit, infuse us with grace.
We promise again to stay true to the race.
Hold us and mold us, create us anew.
There’s no stopping what those who live for You will do.
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