Monthly Archives: March 2025

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle C

1 March 2025
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Reflecting on Sirach 27: 4-7

There’s a lot to think about in the readings this weekend regarding what we reveal when we start talking. Since our words betray what’s really going on in our hearts, it’s enough to make us all take a vow of silence! I suppose the safest way to talk is to stop after every word and carefully consider your next syllable, but think how tedious an actual conversation would be if both speakers were too terrified to speak.

So, like the fruit of a tree, people’s words disclose what’s really going on in their minds, and we’re advised not to evaluate people until we hear what they say. But, really, isn’t the only way to really know someone is by observing his or her actions?

I think of those two sons in the gospel parable of Matthew 21: 28-32. The father asks both sons to go work in the vineyard. The first says, “No! I’m not going,” but goes, and the second says, “Sure, I’ll go,” and he never does. “Words! Words! Words,” sang Eliza Doolittle. “Show me!”

Our acts flow from our being, from who we are. In his poem “As Kingfishers Catch Fire,” Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, “The just person justices.”  We might say, “Hurt people hurt, healed people heal.”

But time gives us the opportunity to become more of who we want to be, and the son who ended up not going out into the vineyard might very well have gladly gone out a few years later. The Church, says a cardinal in the film Conclave, is not only what we did yesterday, but what we’ll do tomorrow.

Please, God, give me time to be the person I’ll be tomorrow.

Who do you most hope to be tomorrow?

Kathy McGovern ©2025