Monthly Archives: January 2025

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle C

26 January 2025
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Reflecting on Luke 1: 1-4; 4:14-21

Imagine this. You’re at your high school reunion. Much of the competition and insecurities of high school have faded, and you can truly enjoy renewing the friendships you had all those years ago. Each of the attendees is invited to give a one-minute reflection on who they are now, and who they hope to become.

When it’s your turn, all eyes turn to you, and you say: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, who has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.

The same look of confusion you imagine on the faces of your old friends was very probably the look on the faces of those in the synagogue that day when Jesus, the famous rabbi who had returned to his hometown and was attending services, read those words from Isaiah and then announced that those words were talking about him.

They were shocked because Jesus was announcing that he was the fulfillment of Isaiah’s long-beloved words about a Messianic age, when captives would be set free, and those who were blind would see. But why would our old friends be shocked to hear any of us say, “The Spirit has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor”? Isn’t that precisely what each of us —what every human being, actually—is supposed to be doing? If we’re enjoying the endless gifts of being alive, aren’t we all “anointed” to share as much good news as we can?

Imagine some of those reunion reflections: I work with those who are blind. I work with the Innocence Project to set captives free. I bring good news to those who are poor. Now that’s a reunion.

What would you say about yourself at this reunion?

Kathy McGovern ©2025

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle C

19 January 2025
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Reflecting on John 2:1-11

Water, of course, is vital to every organ in our bodies. But I’m willing to bet that those wedding revelers, even in a land of intermittent and dangerous drought, would NOT have been happy to see their wine cups filled with water, even if, as was often the case, the wedding feast had already gone on for a week.

Can you imagine the riot that might have ensued if they had seen the servants pulling up water from those six stone water jars? What? They expect to entertain us with 180 gallons of water? Sure, we expect the next rounds to be the inferior stuff, but water? Wait ‘til word gets out about this!

But what? The water has now become the finest wine of the wedding! Water has been transformed into intoxicating wine. How can this be?

In this new year, take a few moments to reflect on the miraculous transformations in your character and spiritual life. How can the resentments and grudges we’ve nourished for years have long since disappeared? How can the destructive habits we allowed to go unchecked for years have been replaced with healthier and more life-affirming lifestyles?

God is always about the work of transforming us and giving us the grace to be better. But I ask us all to resolve this year to pray for all those in the grip of addiction, the most complex transformation of all. O healing Christ, we beg you to touch all who struggle to maintain sobriety of any kind. Turn the water of their cravings into the new wine of confident and secure recovery. And we will do whatever you tell us.

Readers, imagine those who need this healing, and remember to pray for them this year.

Kathy McGovern ©2025

The Baptism of the Lord – Cycle C

12 January 2025
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Reflecting on Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22

Here’s an interesting tidbit. The ancients believed that conception of a child happened this way: the man deposited a miniature, fully formed human being into the woman’s uterus. She served only as the carrier. This connects with this powerful gospel event of the baptism of Jesus by John. Since paternity could never be proven—which is why, traditionally, the mother is the parent who passes on Jewish identity to the child—this event, where the Father opens the heavens and claims Jesus as his beloved son, is treasured by those who were there to hear the Voice, and to those who would hear of it.

A Father claiming his Son as his own had a receptive audience in that day and ours. How many sons today take dangerous risks, or achieve impossible goals, in order to hear their father say, “This is my son! I’m so pleased with him.” Pleasing the father is still an enormous goal (and often an impossible challenge) in many families.

What a joy for Jesus to hear his Father’s voice. We know that he was a man of deep prayer, but it’s only this event and the moment of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor that we know for sure that Jesus heard the Father’s voice.

But WHY did he request the baptism of forgiveness of sins? Recall any friend of yours who excels in everything, including humility. Recall that feeling of relief that poured out of you when that friend laughingly recounted how she can’t put down a bag of potato chips. Oh! She’s human like me! I can be her friend.

Oh! The onlookers must have said. Jesus is human, like me! I can be his friend.

In what ways have you sensed friendship with Jesus because of the stories about him in the gospels?

Kathy McGovern ©2025

Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord – Cycle C

5 January 2025
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Stardust. It turns out we are all made of it. Almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a star. How? When a massive star explodes, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen are released into the universe, providing the building blocks for planets, plants, and human life. Everything in us is formed from residual stardust, and here’s the best part: you have stuff in you as old as the universe.

So, consider this: when those passionate astrologers saw that Star, might it have been the stardust in them, routed into them through eons, from the day God spoke the world into being, that shouted out, “We recognize You! We are made from You! We have literally longed for You, in every cell of our being, from the beginning of time!”

Each of us carries those Wise Men in our own DNA. We, too, are made of the stuff that sees the Star and says, “Yes, I was made to seek You and find You. Nothing in my life will ever satisfy me until I do.”

And so I ask you, Star gazers: where do you feel the most completely yourself, the most utterly at home? Allow yourself this epiphany: only by knowing what you know for sure will you ever truly find the peace that comes from God, who formed the world from the beginning of the beginning. If you are breathing, you are stardust, and you won’t feel at home until you find the Star.

Joni Mitchell had it right: We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion-year-old carbon. And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden.

In what ways do you sense that you belong to God?

Kathy McGovern ©2025