A Pentecost Sequence – Cycle B
Reflecting on Acts 2:1-11
We were all waiting still in that same Upper Room.
You know, the one right above David’s tomb?
Mary, his mother, was there, to be sure.
We all had a lifetime of questions for her.
What was he like as a child? And then:
Do you think that he knew He was God, and when?
We remembered him turning that water to wine.
But somehow we didn’t know He was Divine.
Then we couldn’t stop it, as much as we tried:
Something was coming right at us, inside!
A noise coming up like a strong, driving wind
And it filled all the space of the house we were in.
And fire, like flames, hovered o’er each of us!
We were stunned, we were shaking, rejoicing, and PLUS
You know how the foreigners fill up the Square?
We could speak in the language of everyone there.
So THIS was the Promised One, Spirit so strong
We could feel history move, and then carry us along.
We cried, we laughed, we were filled with such courage
That even the Cross would never discourage
Each one of the Twelve, on this day of NEW BIRTH,
From reaching to preach to the ends of the earth.
O Spirit, O Comforter, come with Thy Aid,
To fill all who are reading this poem today.
How do you feel the grace of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Kathy.McGovern ©2021