Pentecost Sunday – Cycle B
22 May 2018
Reflecting on Acts 2: 1-11
Come, Holy Spirit.
Like a mighty wind, hover over North Korea and the U.S.
Like tongues of fire, rain down
Wisdom, and Right Counsel,
Understanding, and Fortitude,
Piety, and, oh yes, Fear of the Lord.
Come, Holy Spirit.
As you did at creation,
Move upon the waters.
Still volcanoes and earthquakes,
Hurricanes and tornadoes,
Violent rains
And deadly droughts.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Heal the wounded in mind and in body.
Change our hearts.
Change our laws.
Change our lives.
Renew us, Spirit, into your servants.
Then uphold us as we renew the face of the earth.
How are you working to serve the Holy Spirit?
Kathy McGovern ©2018
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