Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle A
Reflecting on Matthew 5: 1-12a
I like to do things that make me feel good. One thing that works every time is to stop to analyze what it is about people that makes them lovable, or approachable, or even inspiring. I think about that today when Paul says “whoever boasts should boast in the Lord.” The people I know who inspire me are, always, people who point the praise and glory elsewhere.
How blest, then, are those who are so poor in spirit that they look beyond their own accomplishments and seek a greater good. How blest are those who are so clean of heart that they can get past their own insecurities and brokenness and mercifully reach out to others. The person who seeks God is the person who attracts me, because I too am made to draw nearer and nearer to God.
As a teacher of Scripture I am deeply touched by the way adult students will put everything aside for as long as they can to just study the Word. As a student of Scripture I sit weekly at the feet of my own teachers, never disappointed, yet never satiated. Our shared life in Christ is the treasure which draws me.
The person who seeks the Lord, in spite of our highly secular society that laughs at such a pursuit, is the person I want with me on a desert island. That is the truly blessed person, the deep person, the intelligent person. How blest are all of us who seek God. The scriptures promise that, as we draw near to God, God draws near to us.
In what ways has seeking the Lord been a blessing for you?
Kathy McGovern ©2017
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