A Pentecost Sequence
Send your fire, oh Spirit.
Not the fire of guns. We’ve heard them to death.
Change us. Do whatever it takes. We won’t do it ourselves.
Not the fires of forests, dying.
Send the rains of new life, and heal the world.
Create in us a clean heart. We can’t renew the face of the earth until you do.
Not the terror of medieval minds
Unleashed on hope-filled girls.
Fast-forward their abductors, and all who think like them,
Into a new way of being in the world.
Like a mighty wind, oh God,
Blow away our gods of stuff, and our religion of more.
Make our hearts hungry to find you in the beautiful faces of those
In parts of the world we’ve never sought.
Come, oh Holy Spirit, come! And give us wider eyes, and humbler hearts.
Let us see the world as you see it, if we can bear it.
Bend our stubborn hearts, and will.
Change us, Spirit, now until He comes again.
How are you cooperating with the Holy Spirit?