Second Sunday of Advent – Cycle A
Reflecting on Isaiah 11: 1-10
Imagine that Someone was offering you the gifts of the Holy Spirit that Isaiah mentions in today’s reading. Here are your choices:
Wisdom: Those who possess wisdom will save the world. Let this gift work in you, helping you to order your life around the things that endure. Let the words of your mouth, and the meditations of your heart, be touched by wisdom this year.
Understanding: What a comfort it is to have a friend who truly understands you. We make quick judgments of people these days. Those with the gift of understanding are never quick to judge, always quick to listen.
Counsel: This supernatural gift works with your intuition to help you discern God’s work in your life. God is healing and saving every day. Use your voice and your life to be God’s co-agent.
Strength: Strength is standing with a friend when she is losing the positive regard of your other friends. Strength is the day-to-day showing up, at work, at home, at prayer. As the poster of the tree, battered but standing, in my oncologist’s office says, Do not pray for an easy life. Pray to be a strong person.
Knowledge: There’s nothing as peaceful as knowing your own truth. But don’t confuse this with what the culture wants you to know. There is a Spirit-voice that will lead you in deeper peace and knowledge of how you want to be in the world.
Fear of the Lord: When was the last time you stopped the car in mid-errand and just looked at Creation all around you? Breathe in the crisp winter air. Revel in the profound changes that this season brings. Don’t go a single day without the awareness of the AWESOMENESS of God.
Which gift do you need the most right now?