The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord – Cycle A
Reflecting on Matthew 3: 13-17
We watched Him three years ago as he stood with the rest of the sinners, waiting to be dipped in the cold waters of the Jordan. It was just the beginning of the dry season, so the river was full and running fast. We had come out to see John, and to hear him preach about repentance. He reminded us of Elijah, seeing him like that out in the desert with his garment of camel’s hair, raging against the very people who thought they were God’s favorites.
It’s the dry season again now. John has been dead for awhile, beheaded by the king who didn’t like being called a sinner. John knew the risks.
Come to think of it, Jesus was always with sinners. When he was just a little boy he had visitors from the East who weren’t even Jewish. He called his disciples from fishing boats instead of from the Temple. He ate with tax collectors and even prostitutes. And now he has been crucified, with a sinner on his right and on his left.
It’s as if he wanted us to know, from that very day of his baptism, that he is with us always, even as we stand in the cold waters and wait for redemption.
Sharing God’s Word at Home:
In what ways are you activating the graces of your baptism?
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I have come to light a fire on the earth; how I wish it were already burning (Lk.12:49).